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Sweat out and feel the burn of the Eastern sun!

  • Xiuguluan River Rafting Triathlon

    Xiuguluan River Rafting Triathlon

    The most exciting triathlon on the East Coast

    The only triathlon in Taiwan that combines rafting, road running, and cycling is on the East Coast! The exciting annual event is not only suitable for competitive athletes to sign up to build personal records, but also for the general public to participate for the experience as non-athletes can sign up for the rafting-only group. The course includes scenic spots such as the Coastal Mountain Range, Xiuguluan River, Changbin King Kong Avenue, Changhong Bridge, and the Tropic of Cancer monument. During the competition, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way and make great memories!

  • 鐵人泛舟

    Changbin King Kong Marathon

    Feel the land and its heartbeat with your own two feet

    There is the well-known Mr. Brown Avenue in the Taitung side of East Rift Valley, and King Kong Avenue in Changbin Township of the East Coast is a direct competitor. King Kong Avenue is a straight industrial road that cuts between the coastal mountains and the Pacific Ocean. On a clear day, the majestic mountains sitting by King Kong Avenue is like a giant gorilla faithfully guarding the residents of the local Ciwkangan Tribe.
    King Kong Marathon held in early summer every year combines local cuisine with the enthusiasm of tribal cheerleaders, inviting the public to enjoy the beautiful "double wave" of rice wave and ocean wave with your own two feet.

Cycling tour

Bike Trip

Riding slowly to tour the blue coast

Do you still remember those joyful cycling adventures as a kid?
You need to slow down to notice the village scenery along Provincial Highway 11 and the path leading to the secluded beach. A slow bicycle ride will enhance your five senses so that you can appreciate the unique charm of the East Coast.

Those with sufficient muscle strength can enjoy riding a road bike; while e-bikes are recommended to families with children. You can stop at different scenic spots along Provincial Highway 11 to enjoy the nature and the tribes.

  • Year of Cycling Tourism - Six Classic Routes

    Year of Cycling Tourism - Six Classic Routes

    2021 was the year of cycling tourism. Six classic cycling routes have been selected to lead you into the embrace of mountains on the left and the ocean on the right. You can take a spontaneous cycling trip now!

  • The Six Featured Cycling Routes

    The Six Featured Cycling Routes

    The six beautiful cycling routes unique to the East Coast are not only a great destination for athletes and cycling enthusiasts, but also suitable for a family trip.

  • Great Cycling Partners – the Cyclist Rest Stops

    Great Cycling Partners – the Cyclist Rest Stops

    Seventeen cyclist rest stops have been set up on Provincial Highway 11, providing rehydration, simple maintenance, and pumping tools where cyclists can relax and take a break.

  • Mahengheng to Chenggong 168

    Mahengheng to Chenggong 168

    This cycling route leads from Mahengheng Avenue in Taitung City to Chenggong Township, taking Provincial Highway 11 as the main road. The round-trip distance is about 168 kilometers. Along the way, you will stay right next to the Pacific Ocean and the Coastal Mountain Range. E-bikes are employed throughout the route. Visitors can choose between different duration of tour according to their own needs. In the professionally guided riding and tour, you will wander along the East Coast and enjoy local food, accommodations, popular attractions, and landscape. Slowly take in the romance of being surrounded by mountains and sea and try out the slow-paced life of the East Coast.

  • E-bike Tours

    E-bike Tours

    E-bikes are a new option for cycling tours. You can enjoy the fun of pedaling while being facilitated by electric motors so that it is less straining for your body, particularly during uphill sections. Multiple e-bike rentals can be found on the East Coast. Pick-ups and drop-offs can either be done at the same place or difference places. Visitors can use e-bikes to enjoy in-depth trips to the small towns and take time to learn the local culture.



Professional ways to enjoy the blue Pacific Ocean

At the East Coast, you should spend some time in the water!
From water to underwater, there are all kinds of ways that will make you fall in love with the ocean immediately.

To train your muscles and balance, try kayaking, stand-up paddling, or surfing.

To relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery, try bamboo rafting or lazy river.

To have a conversation with your inner self and feel the tranquility and freedom, dive deep into the Pacific Ocean with a professional coach!

There's such a wide array of water sports for you to choose from you might want to consider a long stay!

  • Rafting Tours

    Rafting Tours

    Paddle through the rapids and dangerous shoals and cross the Xiuguluan river valley with your team!

  • Surfing


    Blessed with long waves, blue sea, and blue sky, East Coast is a paradise for surfers.

  • Diving


    Snorkeling, free-diving, or scuba diving can all allow you to explore the colorful underwater world.

  • Snorkeling


    Try the unique perspective of seeing the land from the water and enjoy the fun of drifting with the flow!

  • Lazy River (drifting tires)

    Lazy River (drifting tires)

    Snorkeling, free-diving, or scuba diving can all allow you to explore the colorful underwater world.

  • Bamboo rafting

    Bamboo rafting

    Paddle a traditional bamboo raft in the Cawi Tribe or Marongarong Tribe to practice the lifestyle of the early ancestors.

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